Located at This House of Books | April 16 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Reading is magical and powerful, and, most importantly, it builds empathy by offering glimpses into the worlds of other people and living things. Unfortunately, reading is under threat, with groups across our country challenging the presence of many wonderful titles in publicly funded libraries.
To stand against this tide, Barjon’s and This House of Books are partnering to highlight and promote access to books that have been removed from circulation somewhere in the US. Storytime at This House of Books at noon on April 16th will feature challenged works like We Are Water Protectors (Happy Earth Day!) and poems by Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky (Happy National Poetry Month!).
Additionally, Barjon’s Books is donating a magnificent dragon statuette as the prize for the This House of Books Reading Challenge drawing: anyone who completes the challenge by reading only banned/challenged books will be in the running for the dragon prize drawing.
Stay tuned as well for events and specials tied to Banned Books Week in September and other ways to help us support diverse reading. Join us in ensuring that young people have access to enough different viewpoints that they are able to make up their own minds!