Midwinter is an excellent time to set goals for the coming year. Take this slow season to clear out the old and bring in the new!
Cleansing Methods:
House cleaning: The best, tried and true method for cleansing the energy of a given space is good, old-fashioned cleaning. Dusting, washing, sweeping and mopping is a budget friendly and effective way to shake loose stagnant or fouled energy. It’s also a great way to recall stored energy in previously ignored or overlooked items.
Sound: Use singing bowls, bells or music to shake loose old energy and fill your space with fresh, new energy.
Smoke: smoke is seen as a vehicle that carries prayers, intentions, and negativity away. Burn cleansing herbs like cedar or rosemary, or incense to help
Salt: Sort of a “catch all” that will soak up all negative energies, sprinkle salt around edges and corners of a space, or place a bowl of salt decorated with cleansing herbs like cinnamon sticks and cloves.
Charging Methods:
Once your area is cleaned out, be sure to call in your intended energy to prevent random or undesirable energy from settling in the cleared space.
Sun & Moonlight: Cast open your curtains or set an object in the sun or moonlight to let it soak up that celestial energy.
Crystals: Selenite or Fluorite can be used to cleanse and charge other stones. Black stones, such as tourmaline and onyx, provide powerful grounding and protection against negative energy, while bringing forth healing energy.
Infused sprays: Infused oil sprays, such as citrus, lavender, or patouli, help raise positive energy, promote healing and use your sense of smell to help set intentions in your mind.