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November Astrological Insights

A Time to Know Thyself and Take Action

With the new moon in Scorpio on Sunday October 27th, we entered a lunar cycle that challenges us to give voice to our root truths. Scorpio is a sign of commitment, of getting off the fence and truly saying yes to what makes us feel alive. This isn’t a time to play small or play it safe! We are challenged to commit to our emotional truth, to what our feelings are telling us at the deepest level. This knowing is not from our minds. 

A simple way to discern what action is correct for you at this time is to ask: does it make me feel alive, lit up with the life signal? Or does it make me feel heavy, stagnant, and stuck? Scorpio is a fixed sign in the element of water. Fixed signs function to solidify for the long term, with the water element bringing us the opportunity to deepen and anchor in a new reality at the feeling level. The question becomes even more important in this potent context: what are you committed to at the deepest emotional level? 

Choose that! Be brave, seize the day, and commit to bringing in your new longed for reality more in alignment with your inner truth.

For private astrological insights, contact Jen Freeman at

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Saturday, May 20
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