Biofield Tuning One-on-One Sessions with Red Mooneagle

Working with psychospiritual healing techniques, transformational coaching questions and Biofield energy work, Red takes into account the body, mind, emotions and spiritual growth, and help you understand the web of life and assist your towards your purpose.

In these sessions Red Mooneagle identifies energy blocks and stagnation in the electromagnetic system of the physical and energy bodies, and works to dissolve them and restore the energy and life force flow in your body. She uses a variety of methods such as stone therapy, Reiki, touch and energy body healing techniques. Please come in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.

Call down to reserve your appointments today! (406) 252-4398.

30 minutes / $50
60 minutes / $100

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Jul 27 2024


10:00 pm - 4:00 pm
QR Code

Meet Author Linda Thomas

and get her new book, Crystals & Dragons:
The Venture Continues Lessons & Revelations

Saturday, May 20
12:00 pm to 4:00 pm