Yule Ceremony

with Red Mooneagle & Todd Kintz – Friday, December 21st (Pre-register by 12-19-18)
7:00 – 8:00pm — $5 (100% donation to a local charity).

The winter solstice is celebrated by many people around the world as the beginning of the return of the sun, and darkness turning into light. Come and join us for a fun interactive Yule ceremony, drawing from many rich and diverse traditions, to welcome the return of the Sun. We have limited space, so please sign up early! The ceremony will be officiated by Wiccan high priest Todd Kintz and Red Mooneagle. Donation of $5.00 will go toward a local charity. Bring your love of the season, family and community!

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Jul 27 2024


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Meet Author Linda Thomas

and get her new book, Crystals & Dragons:
The Venture Continues Lessons & Revelations

Saturday, May 20
12:00 pm to 4:00 pm